When browsing our catalogue of about 350 speeches we realized that there is a massive gender imbalance. We therefore decided to dedicate our next Lavaklubi event to Feminism. We were hard at work to add 20 new speeches, from some classic speeches of Feminism to more current viral videos addressing issues of gender equality, sexism and women’s rights. We collected those speeches from different sources and by consulting feminist activists and students of gender studies. During the course of the evening we one can hear speeches that tackle intersectionalism, gender performativity, bodily autonomy, queer studies, privileged and non-privileged feminism, and of course their critique. We will be informed about the effects of the wage gap, convinced of the evil of patriarchy and learn to appreciate and hate Beyoncé’s Lemonade. We will also do a reading of Sojouner Truth’s curious speech from 1851. From our booklet you can choose a speech by Judith Butler, Bell Hooks, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Emily Watson, Annie Lennox, etc. From Finnish feminists we have selected speeches by Minna Canth, Maryan Abdulkarim, Nina Järviö, Li Andersson, Rakel Liekki, Koko Hubara, Katju Aro, the new Feminist Part…

We have also commissioned speeches for the event from Li Andersson (Chairwoman of the Left Alliance), Hanna Räty (Blogger of Puistojatkot of IMAGE) and Tuomas Alho (feminist activist).

The atmosphere of the evening will be electrified by the italodisco king DJ NOSFE!

Speech Karaoke is a Helsinki-based nonpartisan and non-profit social art project. Speech Karaoke is funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation and Kone Foundation. Free entrance! Welcome!