Just a day before the legendary Provinssirock festival took off, Speech Karaoke aka Puhekaraoke celebrated its first appearance in Seinäjoki. The summer event was organised by Seinäjoen taidehalli (Kunsthalle Seinäjoki) coinciding with the opening of Noelia Mora Solvez’s great show “Farming”. In her video-works humans imitate animals, so in some odd way her work is like karaoke, it could be perhaps called ZOOMORPHIC Karaoke. In Finland, the magic land of Karaoke, there exists even a Bird Karaoke or Lintukaraoke where humans can imitate bird sounds with the help of well-made karaoke videos.
It was a wonderful coincidence that one of the founding members of Speech Karaoke – artist and producer Pasi Rauhala – had an exhibition in Seinäjoki Art Hall, showing a work that traces time through everyday life. We recommend any visitor to Provinssirock to stop by at the art hall to check out the two exhibitions.