We had a great kick-off event at The Sportsman bar in Bangkok. We then traveled to the Surin province where we collected speeches from local people. We also visited the somewhat controversial Dhammakaya temple, the biggest Buddhist temple in Thailand and spoke to two monks who also provided us with new speeches that we will… Read More
The Helsinki Art Museum HAM and the political film and art festival Lens Politica join forces and organize a Speech Karaoke workshop. The participants write collectively a speech and create a karaoke video for it. The final piece will be presented as a part of the Speech Karaoke night held on 20 November in Dubrovnik.… Read More
SpeechKaraokeActionGroup was invited to be part of the old harvesting celebration Kekri organized by the Kalevala Society on the end of October 2015. The Society promotes scientific and artistic activity related to Kalevala and the Finnish cultural heritage. Over 50 speeches including the early evenings spontaneous pre-programme were spoken at traditional Karaoke Bar Laila at… Read More
The SpeechKaraoke flares up, caresses and entertains at Mad House Helsinki on 5th of September as part of PuheNyt program! Welcome to the stage or into the audience of the SpeechKaraoke, held in the laid-back atmosphere of the Ihana Bar at Mad House Helsinki, Suvilahti (Tiivistämö, Kaasutehtaan 1). The program starts at 8pm and continues… Read More
Two days before the Parliamentary elections the Speech Karaoke Action Group brings the most passionate, the most rampant election speeches of all time to the stage of Lavaklubi to be performed and scrutinized by the public. Do any of the speeches presented during the current campaigns beat the intensity of the “Biggie” – “Iso Jytky”… Read More
Speech Karaoke Workshop at “All Words Have Run Out” exhibition – KunstRaum Goethestrasse xtd, Linz, Austria 8.–9.12.2012 Generously hosted by Beate Rathmayr, Susanne Blaimschein and Aileen Derieng the Speech Karaoke Action Group had the honor to coordinate the warm, productive and profound workshop in KunstRaum Goethestrasse xtd. Linz. During the two workshop days, 8th and 9th… Read More